This year’s survey highlights groundbreaking new information about the LGBTQIA community and its allies 


The results from the DIVA survey 2024 have been released today to tie into the start of this year’s Lesbian Visibility Week. Our annual survey with Kantar, the people behind the world’s first inclusion index, will help us to understand the experiences of LGBTQIA women and trans people. 

This year we also opened up our survey to hear from our allies, as well as expanding our reach geographically to India and South Africa. The following findings represent the experiences of 2,101 LGBTQIA women, non-binary people, and their allies. Of the LGBTQIA respondents 74% identified as gay or lesbian, 10% as bisexual, 7% as pansexual or queer, and 2.5% as asexual. 

Our groundbreaking new report can be used to help us look to the future and how we can make this world a more inclusive, diverse, and accepting place. 

Only 54% of trans people feel safe on social media 

The results of our survey show that only half of the trans community surveyed feel safe on social media platforms, compared to 73% of other LGBTQIA respondents. The survey also showed that only 67% of trans people feel safe in nightclubs or bars, compared to the 72% average of other LGBTQIA respondents. 

Half of the respondents believe that LGBTQIA networks at work are male-dominated 

Our survey also asked respondents about their experiences at their workplace. 50% of respondents said that LGBTQIA networks or groups within workplaces are male-dominated, and only 59% said that events organised at work are inclusive of all LGBTQIA people. 

Worryingly, 12% of LGBTQIA people surveyed said that they experienced verbal harassment in the workplace. For the trans community, these statistics are even higher with 21% saying they had been subject to insults or hurtful comments at work. 

One respondent shared that: “It’s hard to discern between feeling ignored or mistreated because of being a Black woman or because I am gay. I believe that I experience more discrimination as a Black woman in my workplace and community.”

Only 16% of LGBTQIA respondents feel well-represented in brand content or advertising

The Kantar x DIVA survey shows us the importance of inclusive and diverse advertising. 40% of LGBTQIA respondents said that they felt like a brand did not want their business. In India, 50% of LGBTQIA respondents said that they had been denied a service due to their sexual or gender identity. 

You can access the full survey results below. 

DIVA magazine celebrates 30 years in print in 2024. If you like what we do, then get behind LGBTQIA media and keep us going for another generation. Your support is invaluable. ✨

One thought on “The DIVA survey 2024 is here! ”

  1. As a MTF trans woman who is a lesbian, there is still a lot of hate towards us by the lesbian community, even trans women who have had their legal gender reassigned. Also there are a lot of men and women who date trans women (and trans men) just as a sexual conquest. There still is a lot of abuse directed towards trans women some of it is really vile and people like Trump, JK Rowling spouting half truths and the media lapping it up hurts us as a comunity. Then you have the media dragging out the trans women who are obviously men dressed as women and then we get tarred with the same brush. Work needs to be done by the lesbian community to address this. What I do not like is things like DBS checks where dead name is printed on the DBS certificate. At the moment I am very reticent dating a woman as I am pre op. I fully respect that a lesbian may not want to date a trans woman but why? Why should I have to disclose my birth gender to a potential partner, yes I want sex but only as a woman. Yet here in the UK trans healthcare is horribly backlogged and GP’s know next to nothing about what medically needs to be done. The UK government is deliberately fueling hate towards the trans community especially trans women and no one in the media is defending us.

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